by Roy and Daphne Okonkwo | Feb 27, 2022 | Bible Verses
Bible verses about money. What does the Bible say? Lots! In this post, we will share with you 111 important scriptures about money. The scripture verses will be broken down into 17 categories having to do with money. We are Bible Translators and Bible Translation...
by Roy and Daphne Okonkwo | Feb 22, 2022 | Bible Topics
What does the Bible say about what not to do with money? The Bible certainly has a lot to say about the subject. We will talk about 8 important things God does not want you to do with money. We will also tell how to avoid the problems of disobeying what God says about...
by Roy and Daphne Okonkwo | Feb 19, 2022 | Bible Topics
Overall, Christians are givers who believe in using their money and other things to help those who are in need. But do you know that in the Bible, you can find 12 key things God wants you to do with money? One of the things that is very clear throughout the scriptures...
by Roy and Daphne Okonkwo | Feb 10, 2022 | Bible Topics
Bible and money! As a Christian, have you considered what God wants you to do with money? Money matters to God. Where it comes from, what He wants you to do with it and what you will gain. The Lord has a lot to say to you in the Bible about money. The purpose of this...